Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bob's Red Mill

Anyone who has ever browsed the aisles of Whole Foods or any other health food store, and in some cases, certain grocery stores, has most likely seen the flour and grain products from Bob’s Red Mill. I have been using BRM products for a number of years. When I was checking out BRM on the internet, I saw they were located just outside Portland, Oregon, so I figured the next time I was in that area, I wanted to make a side trip to visit their store and mill. It looked like a fun place to visit, especially if you enjoy just browsing in natural food stores like I do! From the BRM website: “Bob's Red Mill Natural Foods produces more than 400 products, including a full line of certified
gluten free products and an extensive line of certified organic products. With a wide variety of whole grain products, from flours and hot cereals to baking mixes and grains, Bob’s Red Mill has “whole grain foods for every meal of the day.”

While staying at Silver Falls State Park in Oregon, we were only about 50 miles from Bob’s, so we decided, this was the time to go! We arrived just in time for lunch (there is a restaurant in the store), so we both had veggie burgers on whole grain buns baked in their on-site bakery. After lunch, we walked up and down every aisle of the store, and filled our basket with whole rolled oats, split peas, flour, burger buns, sliced bread, millet, and a couple of cookies. It was a fun place to visit!

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