Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Madison, Wisconsin

Here it is, the middle of August, and I realize I haven't made any updates to our blog since June. I was almost current after the last entry on The Badlands, but once we arrived at Thunder Bay in Hillman, Michigan, we slipped into the routine of working and golfing, and before I knew it, the blog had become very low on my list of things to do. So now I have to reach back to May to catch up. The last stop we made along our journey to Hillman was to the Madison, the capital of Wisconsin.

The Madison Capitol building is constructed of granite, nestled between Lake Monona and Lake Mendota, and is the only State Capitol ever built on an isthmus. Inside, the architecture, murals, stained glass, and paintings are striking in both size and content, encompassing 43 varieties of stone from around the world and boasting beautiful and unique hand-carved furniture. The interior colors are dominated by golden hues giving one the feeling of grandeur, warmth and richness.

Here are a few pictures from our Madison, Wisconsin, Capitol Tour.

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