Saturday, October 23, 2010

Topeka, Kansas

Our time in Hillman this year has drawn to a close, and we made the decision that this year would also be our last year. As much as we enjoyed Northern Michigan, and Hillman in particular, not to mention all the great people who live and work there, we just felt a need to expand our vistas and open ourselves up to the rest of the country. Knowing this, saying goodbye on October 15th was just a little bittersweet. And, apparently we left just in time - we heard today that there was snow in Hillman just a couple of days ago!

The first thing on our agenda, after stopping for five days in Lansing to visit with my daughter and grandson, was to head to Chanute, Kansas, to the Nu-Wa factory to have some maintenance work done on our 5th wheel. Since we had not yet visited the Topeka, the state capitol of Kansas, we decided to work this into our schedule. So, today we did just that.

Unfortunately, the capitol building is undergoing a complete renovation, so the building was surrounded with scaffolding and heavy equipment, which distracted just a little from the overall experience. But luckily we were still able to get inside the building for our tour. Because of the renovation project, access to the rotunda and the dome was very limited, and no exhibits to speak of. Still, the structure itself was worth viewing, with the historic French Renaissance-style architecture, and we were able to get some pictures to add to our file of State Capitols.

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