Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Aunt Jean's 80th Birthday Party

Dan is lucky enough to still have two Aunts, both living in Fort Smith, Arkansas. Aunt Jean turned 80 years young in July, and her children decided to throw her a birthday party to celebrate the occasion. Hillman is 1088 miles from Fort Smith, but we figured, what the heck? May as well drive down for the big party and take advantage of the opportunity to see lots of Dan's family at the same time.

All 5 of Dan's siblings showed up (one brother actually lives in Fort Smith, the other sisters and brothers came from California and Illinois), as well as many cousins, second cousins, and cousin's once or twice removed (how the heck does that work, anyway?). There were about 100 people at the party, both family and friends of Aunt Jean's, and a very special guest showed up, the mayor of Fort Smith himself.

It's not everyday the mayor shows up to your birthday party, but it's not everyday you turn 80, either. Mayor C. Ray Baker presented Aunt Jean with 80 rose petals, which he sprinkled atop her head, and "A Special Birthday Proclamation" which proclaimed Aunt Jean's birthday and the day of her party as official "Jean Brannon Myers Days" in Fort Smith, Arkansas.

A fun time was had by all, and many reconnections were made between long lost family, friends, and loved ones.

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