Monday, May 26, 2014

St. Paul, Minnesota

St. Paul, Minnesota is the 41st State Capital we've been lucky enough to visit. The capitol building itself was undergoing some sort of construction work the day we toured (on the outside only), but not enough to detract from enjoying the classically styled building that boasts 23 different types of stone and marble from around the world including Minnesotan granite and limestone. Set near the crest of a hill, one is treated to sweeping views of downtown St. Paul, including the breathtaking sight of The Cathedral of St. Paul. At the base of the dome is a quadriga statuary (a chariot drawn by four horses abreast) of copper and steel covered in gold leaf called Progress of the State. The four horses represent the classical elements of earth, air, fire, and water. There are two women in the arrangement representing industry and agriculture, while the male charioteer represents prosperity; collectively they represent civilization. The inside is very ornate with many styles of staircases, majestic columns, and panoramic paintings spreading across high arched ceilings. The legislature was in session during our visit, so we weren't able to visit some of the areas we normally do; however, here are some pictures from what we were able to get to during our tour.

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