Monday, October 21, 2013

Aloha, Goodbye, Maui

Today is our last day in Maui, and our last day on the Hawaiian Islands, at least for this time around. The past two months have been an incredible adventure! We were able to immerse ourselves into our surroundings in a way that isn't possible when just staying for a week or two. The Islands are beautiful, exotic, tropical, swathed in every shade of green and blue, and the weather is always perfect! I'm finding it hard to say Aloha, Goodbye, to this wonderful place; I really appreciate the laid back vibe and would like to carry that philosophy back to the mainland with me. But the good news is, we will soon be back in our home-sweet-home, reconnecting with family, and gearing up for our next adventure. Here are some parting shots from our stay in Maui.


Danielle Ste. Just said...

That looks like a great adventure! I found your blog through Dr. McDougall's site. My husband and I also are fulltimers and follow his eating plan, so we share some similarities!

We just got back from a full month in Portugal. I feel so fortunate to be able to immerse myself, as you say, in another culture.

Danielle Ste. Just said...
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Becky said...

Hi Danielle! Thanks for stopping by my blog! It is so nice to find like minded people, i.e., those who not only follow a plant based diet, but live full time on the road! We are rarities, you know? I'll bet Portugal was so much fun! We hope to get to Europe soon, I'll have to get some ideas from you when we start planning! :)