Thursday, November 29, 2007

Golf in Livingston & a Fond Farewell

Anyone who knows Dan knows that he likes to golf. One thing he will do in a new town is check out the local courses, and if the opportunity presents itself, he will try to play a round or two before we leave the area. Livingston has one golf course, named of all things, Livingston Golf Course, and Dan was able to get in two rounds during the five plus weeks we were here. I don’t play, but Dan tells me this was a somewhat challenging course and that he was happy with his game, especially his last round. I walked through the course with Dan when he was taking the pictures, and I can say that it was very green, tree-filled, and pretty. I attached a couple pictures of the golf course, one of Lake Livingston, and one from the Sam Houston National Park.

We are leaving Livingston on Saturday, December 1st. We spent enough time here to take care of our Texas residency requirements, to become familiar with the Escapees RV Club Headquarters, and enjoy a travel hiatus. We took a brief trip back to Sacramento (by plane) for Thanksgiving, and have spent the time since coming back preparing for our next move. On Saturday we head for Mission, Texas which is in the southern most tip of the state, just a few miles from the Mexican border. The weather in Mission next week is predicted to be in the mid to high 80’s for the highs, and in the mid 60’s for the lows.

We really enjoyed our stay in Livingston, but as Tom Petty would say, “Its time to move on, time to get going, what lies ahead I have no way of knowing, but under my feet, baby, grass is growing, its time to move on, it s time to get going”.

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