Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta

Several weeks ago we reserved an RV site in Bernalillo, New Mexico, which is right next to Albuquerque, in order to attend the annual Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque. So, after leaving Okalahoma City, we made our way to Albuquerque, arriving on October 4th. On Friday, the 5th we just explored Albuquerque, finding the Trader Jo’s and the Whole Foods, which made us very happy! On Saturday, October 6, we attended the opening day of the Balloon Fiesta. All I can say is “WOW”!!!! I don’t know what I really expected. I knew there would be lots of hot air balloons, but beyond that, I really didn’t know! We arrived on the grounds at 5:30 a.m. so we would be sure to find a parking spot and to witness the Mass Ascension. The Mass Ascensions is a launch of all the participating balloons just as the sun begins to rise, and is the most spectacular display of sound and color in all of aviation. During mass ascensions, balloons launch in two waves. Launch directors, also known as “zebras” because of their black-and-white-striped outfits, serve as “traffic cops,” coordinating the launch so balloons leave the field in a safe and coordinated manner. Weather permitting, balloons begin to launch at about 7:15 AM on mass ascension days, and for about two hours balloon after balloon is launched. Everywhere you look, a new balloon is going up, in every direction. It’s hard to describe the scene on the launch field. Literally hundreds of balloons are packed into the field, and you are able to wander among them as they are filling up with air and propane, then up-righting themselves, then launching. You can actually walk right up to the balloons and talk to the pilots, touch the balloons, feel the heat of the propane flame, and hear the awesome roaring sound as the balloon inflates. We took over 200 pictures because we could never decide which balloon was the most spectacular, which colors were the best, which angle was most impressive! We ended up hanging out all day at the grounds, waiting for the twilight glow – when the balloons launch again after the sun starts to set, and you can see the glow of the torch light within the balloons. However, that afternoon the wind kicked up pretty good, so the evening events were cancelled. However, we were able to enjoy a pleasant day walking around, eating, visiting the vendor booths, and lounging on the greens. The evening festivities wrapped up with a fireworks show around 8:00 p.m. We plan to go back one more day before the Fiesta concludes; hopefully we’ll catch a twilight glow then.

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